Again this year Chamber Orchestra Ogden is privileged to collaborate with Ogden Regional Medical Center to present the annual Red Dress Event, a celebration of the American Heart Month. The concert will take place at Union Station at 7:30 on February 27, and will feature the Duo Concerto, written and performed by the internationally known Richter/Uzur Duo; Brad Richter, Guitar, and Viktor Uzur, cello. The concert will open with Mendelssohn’s mighty Symphony No. 5, subtitled “Reformation.”
Audience members are encouraged to wear red to show support for American Heart Month.
About our guest artists: “Two highly skilled artists, classically trained and street-savvy, have pooled their love for music of all genres to satisfy every musical whim while simultaneously leaving an audience to marvel at their individual virtuosic prowess. These guys are the real deal, each a soloist capable of holding their own on a symphony orchestra stage or matching licks with a road house band. From Led Zeppelin to Bartok . . . from the Beatles to Rimsky-Korsakov . . . from Gershwin to their own unique tunes . . . the music sashays all over the planet and back again, satisfying audiences all the while.”
Wes Brustad, President/CEO of the State Theatre (New Jersey)
“…tremendous virtuosity from both cello and guitar!” (Fred Child – Performance Today)
For more information on the Brad and Viktor please go to:

Tickets for this concert are only $5.00, and are available at the door one hour before the concert. Cash, check, or credit cards are accepted. Active duty military and their families, as well as band, orchestra, and choir students from local junior high and high schools, are admitted free with ID.